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Timed Essay Question 6

Discuss how the representation of gender, class, or age would appeal to a target audience in one of the media products you have studied this year. The long form TV drama Stranger Things presents various representations of gender, class and age throughout the first episode, and successfully uses these to appeal to a wide audience. I will be comparing these to the uses of those topics in the JRPG Persona 5 to illustrate how despite some cultural differences, they both cultivate a vast appeal to target audiences through their representations of gender, class and age. Foremost, whilst Stranger Things has two contrasting representations of women throughout the first episode. Karen Wheeler, Mike’s mum, is presented as a stereotypical stay at home mum – a housewife. This links to gender theory as it emphasises the ideology that women are presented as domestic, consumer, marital, or sexual, and in this case, she is presented as both marital and domestic through how she does the cooking and the

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